Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 153

An amazing thing happened in San Diego today... it rained!! I don't even remember the last time it rained here, maybe Feb.?? Nice change of pace! ~Angel

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 152

The cute little sweater I'm working on (and have been working on forever!!) Almost done though!! :) ~Angel

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 151

The sky was so pretty and blue... just had to take a quick photo! ~Angel

The yummy brownie cupcakes i made today! -Grace

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 150

So i know that Angel already posted a spider but we have this spider outside fo our kitchen window! not nearly as large as Angel's little friend but still big enough to scare me!

The 2nd book in my latest YA fiction series. Read through Book 1 in about 5 hours... I literally could not put it down! Got ahold of the 2nd book thanks to my friend Kaley. Totally made my day!! ~Angel

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 149

My yummy "bumble-berry, blackberry, blueberry, boysenberry pie" :). I shared it with friends, and did NOT eat the whole thing myself!! ~Angel

So here it is! The Little kids painting our Bathroom! It's a pretty shade of purple and i know it's going to look Beautiful when we finish it! ~Mercy

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 148

Some of the pretty scenery up in Julian. Bought some delicious pie, and a mystery novel while visiting up there! ~Angel

So there is not much to post so Here is Leo again. He was sitting on the windowsill and was so cute i HAD to take a photo! Sorry i am not creative like Angel! ~Mercy

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 147

The cute little hat I finished tonight. :) ~Angel

Our neighbors cool neon orange tree! -Grace

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 146

The beautiful, big, bright, moon. Sorry it's not the greatest quality, my camera is sort of picky about what it likes to take nice pictures of. :p ~Angel

We went to the Big-E yesterday with the Kinskys and this is Ethan and Josh with Nick the Woodman! ~Mercy

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 145

Pretty little flowers growing out by the parking lot. Looks sort of springy, and not very autumnish, but it's still pretty! ~Angel

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 144

The super huge, super creepy spider that lives by our mailboxes. I think I should ask the maintenance guys to get rid of it, because it's really big, quite possibly poisonous (ok, maybe not), and definitely doesn't need to be anywhere near my apartment!! ~Angel

The beautiful flowers on our front porch. We have had them for a while and they're just so pretty!! We going to the Big E tomorrow and we will (hopefully) get a picture!! ~Mercy and Grace

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 143

Thought the bark on this tree was kind of cool, so I decided to take a picture of it. :) ~Angel

sorry we haven't posted in a REALLY long time. It's just we were busy first and then our internet was down and then we just installed Google chrome! Well, here is our front door and our nice fall wreath, and it seems so much like fall here and we have apples from Lymans Orchard! We sent some apples and cider doughnuts to Abbie and Angel! (and the boys too!) We miss you guys! ~Mercy and Grace

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 142

Was at a picnic today, and loved the flag waving among the trees. ~Angel

Day 141

View of downtown. The Marine layer makes it all look a little gloomy, but it usually clears up later in the day. :) ~Angel

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 140

My cute little pumpkins I put out on the table. Makes it feel a little more like a "real" fall, rather than a So. CA fall! :) ~Angel

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 139

The pretty evening scene. :) ~Angel

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 138

A bracelet I ordered from Etsy arrived today (and I was super excited, I've been waiting several weeks to get it!!) but this was the super cute packaging I found when I opened up the envelope. :) ~Angel

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 137

Latest knitting project -going to be a little baby sweater. :) It's working up very quickly and I'm hoping to have it done soon! ~Angel

So I know this is boring but I have nothing else to post, but for Angel and Abbie, who are in nice sunny spots, we are going (on Friday) to Lymans Orchard! ~Mercy

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 136

Had this wine at our Bible Study one night, but no one could remember who had brought it, so we didn't know what store it came from. It was super yummy though, so I was very excited to find it at my local grocery store for just $5! Nice to have a little glass while I watch TV at night. :) ~Angel

My breakfast Mom got from Dunkin Doughnuts!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 135

Cute new knitting project that I started this weekend. Working up really quickly! :) ~Angel

Leo being super cute (like always). Sadly he had surgery on Wednesday and we couldn't hold him for five days! So we had some trouble getting him to go into the basement at night when we needed to sleep! he's much better now! :) ~Mercy

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 134

The cute little flowers growing outside our apartment. :) ~Angel

SOCCER!!!! so this is Lydia's first year in soccer and today was her first game! Her team is called the Green Leprechauns! She was playing against the whites and the Leprechauns owned! They beat the whites 5 to 0! ~Grace and Mercy

Friday, September 10, 2010

Day 133

The cute little earring set I got at Target. I thought the little owls were awesome, and it was just $6, so I had to buy it. :) ~Angel

These yummy oatmeal chocolate-chip cookies i made!
Even if mom got the kind from the box that you get at the store they were still good! And easy to make too! (the chocolate-chips i added so they were real)
~ Mercy

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 132

The little mouse I found outside. He was just hanging out on the sidewalk, enjoying the sunny afternoon! ~Angel

We just got these games for the Wii and they are my favorites! the 'Harry Potter' is Gracie's and the other two are Ethan's! we are really enjoying them! ~ mercy

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 131

The finished product. :) Spend the afternoon putting this together, and I think it turned out pretty cute. Wearing it to work tomorrow! ~Angel

A really pretty sweater I'm making. I found this yarn at the yarn store i work at and i had to get it! I hope to finish soon!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 130

The pretty fabric I also got on sale over the weekend. Planning on making a cute little button up skirt with it... maybe I'll have "after" pictures to put up in the next couple days. :) ~Angel

so we stared school today and here is our school cabinet which we (or Hannah) so nicely organized!! I'm done with school for the day too!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 129

Got some great Labor Day deals this weekend, including (of course!) some yarn. Going to make a little baby sweater for a friend. :) Love the button!! ~Angel

Today we went to the Straton brook for a last summer kick off before we start school tomorrow!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 128

We went down to Shelley and David's for a labor day/august birthday party with the whole family and some of the Backus'. Ethan got this super cool baseball Monopoly game! He is super excited about it!
-Grace and Mercy

Went up to Riley's apple orchard today and got to enjoy all the pretty apple trees, sunflowers and other orchard-y things! ~Angel

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 127

So our summer finally arrived! After being gloomy for a very long time, So. Ca decided to warm up, and we hit a high today of 111!! :) ~Angel

so change of plans Abbie has officially quit the blog and her little sisters Hannah, Grace, and Mercy are taking over! Hopefully we will do a better job at posting than Abbie!

Mom, Hannah and Lydia dropped Abbie off at college (Palm Beach Atlantic in Florida) and got this great shot while they were there!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 126

I like the little cross that's up on the school where I work... makes for a nice photo. :) ~Angel

Day 125

Oh yah, Hamburger Helper. :) This will probably keep me fed all week, so hopefully it's a yummy flavor! ~Angel

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 124

My pretty fall colored yarn that I'm using. I bought it while I was home in May, and am making a beautiful lace shawl with it. Can't wait to see how it turns out! ~Angel