Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 5: 360 days left!

Since Eva considers herself a very important part of the family, I didn't think it would be fair if she didn't get her fair share of attention on the blog. So, the first (of many, I'm sure) cute little Eva picture. :) ~Angel

So, to all my avid followers, i sincerely apologize for my not posting the picture for day 4 till day 5. but i assure you that the picture actually was TAKEN on day 4... if thats any consolation. please forgive me.
here is my picture for today. the weather has been so beautiful that i couldn't resist taking another flower/springness photo. i'm loving having the boys home, even if Micah IS addicted to playing PS3. :/ ~Abbie


  1. Abbie, you are forgiven! In the future, realize that your followers are waiting with baited breath for pictures.

  2. only slightly addicted abbie

  3. Nice picture Abbie. I think it would add to the fun if you state where your "springness" pictures are taken.

    Keep it up!

  4. hey, all my "springness" pictures so far have actually been taken in my own back yard. awesome, i know! ;) ~abbie

  5. Oh that little puppy is SO cute!!!

    And the garden scene is loverly! :)
