Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 44

This is one of my top favorite Ireland pictures. i think its so cute, i just love how cliche it is. there werent many homes like this one, since i guess they're very hard to keep up electricity and heat wise... ~Abbie
Went and played mini-golf today with the family, which was loads of fun. We golfed through castles, windmills, towns, and rivers. Here's a quick shot of the golf course, complete with California palm trees. :) ~Angel


  1. Somewhere up in Riverside/Orange County, not in San Diego. Lots of fun though. :)

  2. I was hoping with a quick glance that Abbie posted a pic from Ireland! Thhis looks fun!
    Elaine and Bailey Ann
    course don't know if palm trees are native to Ireland:)

  3. haha, actually, you guys wont believe it. there WERE palm trees in ireland! it was the weirdest thing. whether or not i have pictures of them, i dont remember. -abbie
